Carnatic Vocal teacher in Urbana, MD
Kalaivani Music school
Urbana, MD
Carnatic Vocal
Always check and confirm the listing info with the teacher / institution.
Beginners 1. Basic varisais (Sarali varisai, Janta varisai, Dhattu varisai, Melsthayi varisai and Alankaram, Geetham atleast 10 to 12, Swarajathi, Nama sankeerthanam) Intermediate 2. Varnam (Minimum 10 with different speeds) 3. Kritis in different composers. Teacher : Vani Ramachandran.
Lessons offered by this teacher / institution:
Carnatic Vocal
Language(s) spoken by the teacher:
English - Tamil
Teacher / institution address:
Kalaivani Music school
Teacher ID: VKSW20230419364855 - --Date N/A--
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